Friday, June 14, 2013

June 13

Things I’m getting used to in Rwanda:

11. Somewhat censoring myself when talking about the government – In the US it’s so common to hear people bashing the government and President. When I’m doing some of my readings for class or talking about a topic with friends at dinner I’m much more conscious about who’s around and what I say. At dinner and even in class we sometimes have to lower our voices when expressing certain ideas, much different than in America.
22.  Doing my laundry by hand – I’m really starting to appreciate my washing machine at home.
33. My feet being perpetually dirty – EVERYWHERE. But I love it. I also love the lizards crawling around outside (and inside) my room and not being judged when I don’t shower every day.
44. Getting stared at everywhere I go – When I get to Europe, it’s going to feel so strange not being stared at and have my hair touched everywhere I go.
55. Waiting at least an hour for food – At every restaurant, service is much more relaxed than in the states. At much as I love not being rushed constantly, it’s kind of difficult having to plan for at least 2-hour meals every time we go out to eat.

I’m sure there’s a lot more but that’s all I can think of for the time being. Our homestays start tonight and will last until Sunday morning/afternoon. I’m sure there will be a lot to talk about after this weekend. Wish me luck!

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