Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 29

June 29, 2013

Last night we had a party with the staff at the guesthouse to celebrate our time in Rwanda and to say goodbye.  Everyone wore traditional Rwandan clothing and 4 hours were blocked off for this event.  The entire staff worked so hard to put this together for us and it was very hard coming to the realization that our time here is almost over.

There were traditional Rwandan dancers and musicians and it was soooo entertaining to watch. The kids performing looked like they were a little younger than us, probably in high school.  It was cool seeing such a big group of kids who were interested in their traditional culture and performed it for us so well.

The party was very touching and I’m glad we stayed at a guesthouse where everyone works so hard to make us feel at home.  We’ve all became very close with the staff and I think we’re all found a second family at the guesthouse. I’m really going to miss staying up and talking to Jackson and listening to Benoit sing.

After dinner a few of us went to an art gallery party which was pretty cool. They had a room of artwork done by children and it was amazing how talented some of them were. We didn’t stay long and after that, Elizabeth and I tried to go to a bar near the guesthouse but it was really awkward and we didn’t stay for long at all. When we got back, Caitie, Lydia, Jackson and I went to the Mille Collines to hang out on our last night. It was fun to just relax with everybody before packing and getting ready to leave.

Today Chelsea, Sarah and I went to a restaurant called “Afrika Bite” which was one of the only moderate-priced restaurants that served Rwandan food. It was so good and I wish we had all found it earlier. The best part was the chipati, which my host family served me and I fell in love with.

We’ve had a great last couple of days between traveling to DRC and celebrating with the guesthouse staff. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to spend five weeks in Rwanda with and am so excited to return to this beautiful country sometime in the future.

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